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Learn how JobX can help schools avoid costly FWS and Student Employment fines or lost funding while offering a paperless recruitment and placement solution, including government & other onboarding forms with e-sign, resulting in considerable cost savings to their bottom line.

Learn why the University of TN - Knoxville (UTK) and many other schools (Yale, Princeton, Columbia, etc.) nationwide have purchased JobX to introduce highly efficient and entirely paperless Student Employment & FWS recruitment, placement, & Government (i9/W4) On-boarding Forms with e-sign processes while increasing FWS & labor law compliance. Following a DOE Program Review, UTK received several major violations that JobX helped resolve with the robust job and hire approval workflows & custom business logic that prevents students from applying for jobs or being hired when on-boarding forms are missing, SAP status is unsatisfactory, minimum credits hour met and much more.

Learning Outcomes from Session:

  1. Learn how extensive JobX customizations enable schools to manage the unique needs of on- & off-campus Student Employment and Federal Work Study (FWS) recruitment, hiring, & onboarding.
  2. Learn how the automated FWS and labor law compliance services within JobX can prevent costly violations, fines, and FWS funding loss following comprehensive Dept of Ed Program Reviews.
  3. Learn how the economically priced JobX solution can increase efficiencies, qand uality, & eliminate burdensome paper-ridden processes for students, employers, & understaffed Student Employment offices.


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